Your Family Tree researched by professional Genealogists and published in book form for you to treasure
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Would you like to discover your Family Tree but do not have the time to trace your ancestors yourself? Would you like to hire a team of professional genealogists to trace your ancestors and publish the results in a book ideal for giving to a family member or loved one as a gift? Would you like your Family Tree presented in both chart and narrative form to treasure yourself and to pass down to future generations?

We will be pleased to offer you a free initial consultation to help you uncover what you already know about your ancestors and then to agree a starting point and discuss the way forward. We will agree our fee with you in advance so you will not find any unpleasant surprises on completion and we will keep you up-to-date with progress while researching your ancestors. We are not a large faceless organisation so you will remain with the same friendly and helpful member of our team throughout your research freeing you from the frustration of explaining everything from scratch every time you contact us.

After we have completed our research we will present you with your Family Tree in book form to keep and treasure yourself or to pass on to future generations.

If you would prefer us to research the ancestors of a loved one (rather than compile your own Family Tree) so you can present the book to them as a gift then we would be happy to do this, or, alternatively, you can purchase a gift voucher to cover the cost of creating their Family Tree Book and we will contact your loved one directly on a date agreed with you (perhaps their birthday or other special occasion) and carry out their research on your behalf at no cost to themselves.

We are a small and friendly business which prides our self on our level of customer satisfaction. If you have any questions about the service we offer, or have any special requirement that you would like to discuss, then simply ask us using our CONTACT US webmail form.

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